12 Weeks


User Research

CAD Modeling

3D Printing


EMBR is a modular camping cooking pot that serves as a tangible solution for reducing human contributions to the proliferation of forest fires through the utilization of thermochromic material, which changes solar reflectance in response to temperature, so users can know when is completley put out.




Senior Capstone Studio

Fall 2023


Within the United States, 70 thousand wildfires have approximately occured on average in the U.S, since 1983. 

90% of forest fires within the United States are caused by human activity, with unattended campfires being a top factor due to the unawareness and unintentional carelessness by the user. 


We’re so negligent.”
— Anononymous Reddit User
The people in nature should be the ones that are respecting it, but they don’t”
— Sofia Laskowski, Outdoor and Camping Enthusiast
Accessibility to everyone, and everwhere
— Mark Hammond, Active camper


This cooking pot uses thermochromic material within the logo, which changes solar reflectance in response to temperature. Thus, as the fire warms the pot, the logo turns more blue, but when it is completley cool, the logo returns back to a grey color, letting the user know the fire is completley put out.   

Liquid Crystals Closer Together

Within this GIF animation, the EMBR logo changes colors to emit a blue hue, and then go back to the original grey color. This dynamic color change shows the transformation of how a fire would affect the color the logo emits, thus affecting the user’s awareness of the campfire.


An initial survey was sent out to users around the globe, including peers on Georgia Tech campus, as well as participants in coordinating camping sub-Reddit threads. Results from this survey also narrowed down the targeted user,

which was users aged 21-29.

Question asked: What are the most necessary items you bring while camping?

Interview Quotes

Blue Reflected Light


According to the results, it is obvious to note that cooking equipment was one of the most common types of equipment brought to a camping expedition, just behind sleeping equipment and water/food. Thus, determining that campfires are in fact a viable process of the camping journey, an evaluation of the different steps to put out a campfire were analyzed.

Idiocy and unintentional carelessness lead to these disasters unfortunately.
— Anonymous Reddit User
Some people are just assumingly confident when building these campfires...
— Anonymous Reddit User